Rabu, 07 Oktober 2009

Sejarah Perkembangan jaringan komputer

Jaringan komputer lahir pada tahun 1940-an di Amerika dari sebuah proyek pengembangan komputer MODEL I di laboratorium Bell dan group riset Harvard University, yang dipimpin Profesor H. Aiken. Pada mulanya proyek tersebut hanyalah ingin memanfaatkan sebuah perangkat komputer yang harus dipakai bersama.Untuk mengerjakan beberapa proses tanpa banyak membuang waktu kosong dibuatlah proses beruntun (Batch Processing), sehingga beberapa program bisa dijalankan dalam sebuah komputer dengan kaidah antrian.
Ditahun 1950-an ketika jenis komputer mulai membesar sampai terciptanya super komputer, maka sebuah komputer mesti melayani beberapa terminal. Untuk itu ditemukan konsep distribusi proses berdasarkan waktu yang dikenal dengan nama TSS (Time Sharing System), maka untuk pertama kali bentuk jaringan (network) komputer diaplikasikan. Pada sistem TSS beberapa terminal terhubung secara seri ke sebuah host komputer. Dalam proses TSS mulai nampak perpaduan teknologi komputer dan teknologi telekomunikasi yang pada awalnya berkembang sendiri-sendiri.

Memasuki tahun 1970-an, setelah beban pekerjaan bertambah banyak dan harga perangkat komputer besar mulai terasa sangat mahal, maka mulailah digunakan konsep proses distribusi (Distributed Processing). Dalam proses ini beberapa host komputer mengerjakan sebuah pekerjaan besar secara paralel untuk melayani beberapa terminal yang tersambung secara seri disetiap host komputer. Diperlukan perpaduan antara teknologi komputer dan telekomunikasi, karena selain proses yang harus didistribusikan,semua host komputer wajib melayani terminal-terminalnya dalam satu perintah dari komputer pusat.

Perkembangan selanjutnya setelah harga komputer mikro sudah terjangkau dan konsep proses distribusi sudah matang, maka penggunaan komputer dan jaringannya sudah mulai beragam dari mulai menangani proses bersama atau komunikasi antar komputer (Peer to Peer System) tanpa melalui komputer pusat. Kemudian berkembang teknologi jaringan lokal yang dikenal dengan sebutan LAN. Demikian juga ketika Internet berkembang, maka sebagian besar LAN yang berdiri sendiri mulai terhubung & terbentuk jaringan raksasa WAN.

Rabu, 24 Desember 2008

managing a simple mailing list

Selasa, 02 Desember 2008

Bali(part 2)

Sanur and Kuta, the two famous tourist centre of Bali, are located on the eastern and western coast of the southern part of the island. Kuta is famous for its memorable sunsets, with its simple, clean and cheap accommodation mostly cater the budget conscious traveler.
Denpasar, the capital city of Bali, is the largest city on the island. In the centre of the city stands a great statue with four faces and eight arms representing Sang Hyang Widi, the Supreme God, manifesting Himself as lord of the four directions. Nearby is Pura Jagatnatha dedicated to the Supreme God. The statue of turtle and two dragons signify the foundation of the world.
Next to this state temple is Bali Museum presenting a fine variety of prehistoric and modern art of Bali. The architectural design of the three main buildings resembles the palaces of the three main kingdoms of Bali. A permanent exhibition of the finest modern Balinese painting and woodcarving may be seen at the Art and Cultural Centre.

Selasa, 25 November 2008

Responding To A Survey

We would like to introduce our brand of ready to eat soups to yours market. These soups are made with the freshest ingredients and come in three flavors: Tomato, mushroom, and corn. They are sold in the refrigerated section of supermarkets in cartons that contain enough soup for a single serving. They are popular with busy professionals who have limited to cook.
To determine if this product is appropriate for other markets, we are sending this survey to all of our overseas managers. We would be grateful if you could take a few minutes to answer the following questions.

1.Would this product appeal to consumers in your market? If so, which consumers would be most likely to buy this product?
2.Which of the flavors would be most popular in your market? The least popular? Are there any other flavors we should consider?
3.Is the single serving carton size appropriate for your market? Why or why not?
4.What would be the most effective way to advertise?

Thank You For Your Time.

Selasa, 18 November 2008

valentines days

Valentine is the name of several saints who are commemorate on February 14th. In the last one hundred and fifty years the custom has grown up of send cards or messages to a sweetheart. The cards themselves are called one’s valentines. This custom began is The United states of America, with the first commercial cards being produced there in the 1840s, and it has now spread over to many parts of the world.
In mid times it was believe that the birds chose their mates on February 14th and that way the connection with love emerges. Choosing a loved one on this day strength also had some connection with the Roman festival of which used to take place at this time of the year.
Valentine himself was a Roman martyr who lived in the 3rd century and, because of the day on which his Saints Day falls, he has become the protector saint of lovers although there does not seem to have been any reason for this originally.

Valentine's Day

Valentine is the name of several saints who are commemorate on February 14th. In the last one hundred and fifty years the custom has grown up of send cards or messages to a sweetheart. The cards themselves are called one’s valentines. This custom began is The United states of America, with the first commercial cards being produced there in the 1840s, and it has now spread over to many parts of the world.
In mid times it was believe that the birds chose their mates on February 14th and that way the connection with love emerges. Choosing a loved one on this day strength also had some connection with the Roman festival of which used to take place at this time of the year.
Valentine himself was a Roman martyr who lived in the 3rd century and, because of the day on which his Saints Day falls, he has become the protector saint of lovers although there does not seem to have been any reason for this originally.

Selasa, 11 November 2008

Agriculture and the Food Supply

The supply of food depends on three factors:
- How much has been produced by agriculture and fishing
- How much has been consumed
- and How much has been preserved by safe processing and storage
The most important agricultural products for the world’s food supply are cereals (grains), pulses, and to a lesser extent, livestock. Cereals, such as wheat, rice, maize (corn), millet, and sorghum, provide nearly all the food energy (calories) and up to 90% of all protein consumed by the world’s people.
Chicken are the chief meat animal worldwide, followed by poultry, beef cattle, and sheep. Pulses – the seed parts of such legumes as beans, soybeans, and peanuts (groundnuts) are important sources of protein in the world food supply. Except for sugar and bananas, few of the other crops that are prominent in the world agriculture trade have nutritional significance in the food supply. Many fruits, grains, and vegetables that are often unfamiliar to Western agricultural scientist, however, serve as important local food supplies.