Selasa, 25 November 2008

Responding To A Survey

We would like to introduce our brand of ready to eat soups to yours market. These soups are made with the freshest ingredients and come in three flavors: Tomato, mushroom, and corn. They are sold in the refrigerated section of supermarkets in cartons that contain enough soup for a single serving. They are popular with busy professionals who have limited to cook.
To determine if this product is appropriate for other markets, we are sending this survey to all of our overseas managers. We would be grateful if you could take a few minutes to answer the following questions.

1.Would this product appeal to consumers in your market? If so, which consumers would be most likely to buy this product?
2.Which of the flavors would be most popular in your market? The least popular? Are there any other flavors we should consider?
3.Is the single serving carton size appropriate for your market? Why or why not?
4.What would be the most effective way to advertise?

Thank You For Your Time.

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